About Sudi.
Sudi Sharafshahi is a painter, sculptor and cartoonist who has lived in New York City since 1975. She graduated with a B.F.A. in painting from the faculty of art at Tehran University in 1970. She received an M.F.A in sculpture and graphics from the Royal Academy of The Hague, Holland, in 1974, with a scholarship from Dutch government.
Sudi continued her training in New York City at New York University, Pratt and the School of Visual Arts. She has won several painting and graphic design awards, including Medal of Honor in the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe 119th Annual Juried Exhibition 2015; Merit Award – Human Rights Art Exhibition 2014, Gertrud Mills Memorial Award, Pen and Brush, New York City, 2001; the Paul Revere Award for Graphics Excellence, New York City, 1991; and the Art Direction Magazine International Award, New York City, for 1986 and 1987.
Sudi has had a number of solo shows and has been part of a number of group shows in museums and biennials in Europe, Iran, Japan, South America and the United States. Her work is part of the permanent collection of the modern art museum of The Hague, Holland. She can be reached at [email protected]
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Copyright © 2022 Sudi Sharafshahi. All rights reserved. 917-583-8144. Site by Sandy Campbell.